
Exciting Newbold News!

Some very exciting news! Ian Newbold of Newbold World has generously agreed to match all of my donations to Childeren with Cancer. This means that 40% of the price of my painting DVD goes to support that cause. Newbold Challenge has already made their 2012 donation goal, so I want to say a big thank you to everyone who bought a DVD from me, for your part in making that happen.  If you haven’t gotten your DVD yet, this is a great time to do so, and it helps out a very worthy charity.

These have been a busy couple of months, and it will be a while before I can post what I’ve been up to. The painting I’ve done lately is for contest pieces and unreleased minis, which means I have to wait to post them.

I can however post this painting of Nom which I did for my mother’s birthday.