Thanks to everyone who bought my DVD – I just sold the last one. If you would still like to buy a DVD, they’re available at Dark Sword‘s site. This was an awesome experience for me and we raised a lot of money for Children with Cancer. I’ll post some statistics shortly.
This is an intermediate to advanced level DVD, so the time is devoted to explaining the cool stuff. (If you want to learn about the basics, such as priming and prep work, I recommend Darksword’s first DVD.)
The four DVD set, which has 13 hours of instruction, covers the following techniques:
• Blending and Layering
• Feathers
• Freehand Patterns
• Frog Skin and Faces
• Furry Critter Skin and Faces
• Light and Dark Human Skin and Faces
• Light and Dark Hair
• Lining
• Object Source Lighting
• Sheer fabric and lace effects
• Silver and Gold Non Metallic Metals
• Tools and Brushes
In the DVD, I share my approach to painting and recreate the interesting parts of some of my most popular Darksword minis.
Tutorial Minis: Cersei, Tywin, King Ploogak, Guinea Pig Samurai, and the Thief of Hearts